Legrand 3 Way Paddle Switch Wiring Diagram. Three-way switches allow for controlling a light fixture from two separate locations, these are usually used at the top and bottom of a flight of stairs or at two different entrances to a room. You know the drill- one turns on the light, the other one will turn off but then the first one wont turn back on unless the other one is switched, etc.

A three-way switch has three terminals, and the switch connects the first terminal to either the second or the third terminal, as shown here In this diagram, a normal piece of wire comes from the fuse panel to the first three-way switch.
These diagrams illustrate how to wire a pair of three-way light switches in three different situations.
See the paddle light switch features and specifications here at Lutron. Please include all three colored wires on the Legrand unit, as well as building wiring Please see the attached wiring diagrams and you can contact technical support if you need further assistance. With a few tools and your handy wiring diagram, you can add a custom lighting solution to any room in your house.